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Sunday, July 30, 2006


Conception - International SJC Conference, Novi Sad, 25.06.2006.
By SJC Guru
Bojan Vidaković
Guidence and Guru
Zoran Radosavljević

« What is conception
« What is Garbhadana, Adhana & Nisheka
« Srila Prabuphada told us
« Nisheka
« Adhana
« Adhana Calculation
« Checking Adhana chart & chart of respective father
« What can we use it for?

What is conception?
« Shiva & Parvati
« Surya & Chandra, their importance, goal/object of our existance is?
« Sy – to concieve & Ch to sustain (how many days)

Garbhadana, Nisheka & Adhana
« Garbha lit. means ‘to concieve’ but also the inside, interior of anything, a foetus or embryo, a child, The rite through which a man placed his seed in a woman.
« Adhana reffers to something that should be deposited, putting the something on etc.
« Samskara reffers to sacred rituals which are connected with purifications.
« Garbhadhana-samskara is one of purification processes that should be done by perspective parents. It is said, in a scriptures, that if these are not done, the native will immediatly fall down from the brahminical position to that of Sudra. So it means, that we should take responsibility for our sexual life in order to beget good and nice children. If this is not a case, that is considrered as sinful activity.

Srila Prabhupada told us from scriptures:
n “Don't waste your time. Life is very valuable, especially this human form of life. ¦BXv su-ÊlRÉm! #dm! b÷-sMÉvNte (Labdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante). This human form of life is achieved after many, many births of evolutionary process. We had to undergo:
n 900,000 species of life in water. ˆjlj nv-lKsin Swvr lKs-ivMsit (jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati).
n Two millions of species of life through plants and trees. :wvr lKs-ivMsit ³œmyae éÔ-sNOykhœ (sthavara laksa-vimsati krmayo rudra-sankhyakah).
n Eleven hundred thousand species of life of insects and reptiles. AiKsnm! ds-lKsnm! (aksinam dasa-laksanam). And one million species of life amongst the birds. Then iÇMsl!-lKsin psvhœ (trimsal-laksani pasavah), and then
n three million species of life amongst the beasts. In this way, there are four hundred thousand species of human form of life, out of which, the civilized form of life, when our consciousness is developed, that is the opportunity to understand what is God, what I am, what is my relationship with God, what is this material world, how I shall treat. That is needed. In the Vedanta-sutra it is said, Awtae äü-ijJns (athato brahma-jijnasa). This human, this civilized form of human life is meant for inquiring about Brahman, the Supreme, the Absolute Truth.”


« There is some misunderstanding about what represent Nisheka and what Adhana. In our Parampara we consider Nisheka is the time when the copulation happens.

« Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita:

svR-yaeinsu kaENtey
sarva-yonisu kaunteya
sMÉviNt mutRyhœ yhœ
sambhavanti murtayah yah
Ahm! ibj-àdhœ ipt
aham bija-pradah pita

« I am the seed-giving father for all living entities.

Adhana is?
« Adhana is the time when the spermatozoe (seed) meets the egg. However, it does not need to happen in the moment of copulation. It can happen after few hours...Hence, some specific calculations must come into the picture.

Adhana calculation

First step:
« earlier or later born – by seing the placement of lagna lord/lagnesha (if in drusya (visible) rasis – it took longer, if in adrusya (unvisible) rasis, the baby was less time (than 273 days) in the mothers womb)

Example 1 and 2 - when lagna lord is in Parivartana yoga
Example 3 and 4 - when lagna lord in first or seventh house

Special cases
« If lagna lord is in first or seventh house we should see exact degree of lagna lord.
« If in any chart lagna lord is involved in Parivartana yoga, it will change the result. Hence, in previous cases, it wont take more/less than 273 days, as it should be per rule, but less/more.

Second step:
« This rule is called SANI GULIKA RULE.
« We are using it to get exact number in days (by adding or substructing).
« The process of calculating exact number of months and days will be represented by difference in degrees between Sani and Gulika. For example if the difference is eleven degrees than it represents 11 days (max is 30).

Step three:
« After this is done, we must do correction. It is called Moon Correction. Our Janma Moon must be in kendra to our Adhana Moon. Maybe it would be needed to change few days to get the closest result.

Step four: Lagna correction
« After we got the nearest result with Chandra or Moon correction, we must do Lagna corection. It is said that lagna must be exact opposite to our Janma lagna.

Step five:
n Last step is based on Hora to see exact time.

When does conception occurs?
As we could see, Adhana chart represents the moment, transit, when our conception occured.
Here Sy & Kt (Shiva Yoga) are of great importance.

First step: Lagnesha
Second step: Sani Gulika rule
Third step: Moon correction
Fourth step: Lagna correction
Fifth step: finding of Hora

Example 5
b) Adhana chart - native born on 21. Nov 1981, 06:08 am, 36E49; 1S17
c) Fathers chart and Adhana - born on 12 Dec 1945, 11:59:50, 10E10; 57N28
adhana: 21 Feb 1981, 12:56:49, 36E49; 1S17

- SJC Jyotisha lessons
- Maharisi Jaimini Upadesa Sutra translated by Sri Sanjay Rath
- S.S. Srila Prabhupada – Srimad Bhagavatam
- MW Sanskrit Digital Dictionary
- http://society.krishna.org
- http://dsal.uchicago.edu

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